Who We Are
Established in February 2003, Mountain View Neighborhood District (MVND) represents its residents as one of the 13 recognized neighborhoods in Bend.
We are the largest neighborhood in geographic area with over 5000 tax lots, one of the fastest growing areas of the City, and one of the few neighborhoods that provides walkability to commercial amenities for large numbers of our residents. View neighborhood maps.
Bordered on the south by Highway 20, on the east by Eagle Road, on the north by Butler Market road, and on the west by Shepherd Street, this neighborhood boasts a strong balance of residential neighborhoods and commercial entities, along with Bend’s largest employer: St. Charles Medical Center.
Our Mission
We are organized on behalf of our membership for educational, social, and charitable purposes. We represent and maintain open lines of communication for our neighborhood with the City of Bend to preserve, protect, and enhance our neighborhood's livability and sense of community.
We promote neighborliness and believe we are stronger together.

In support of our mission we:
Monitor City of Bend activities
Hold membership on Neighborhood Leadership Alliance (NLA)
Hold monthly board meetings
Hold periodic membership meetings
We also keep current on and report to membership on:
Land Use
Park additions / upgrades
Safety / neighborhood watch
Community events
MVND Board
The Mountain View Neighborhood District (MVND) board meets the fourth Thursday of every month at 6 pm. Please contact us for instructions on how to attend our meetings.
Board Members
The following individuals are elected Board Members of Mountain View Neighborhood District.
- John Bennett - Land Use Chair
- Sandra Fox - General Member
If you are interested in learning more about our board or potentially joining the MVND board, please contact us.
Committee Members:
- Deirdre Nauman - Bend Parkway Advisory Committee Liaison
- Transportation and Pilot Butte State Park Advisory Committee Liaison (VACANT)
Meet the MVND Board!

MVND Goals for 2021-2022
Communicate to Mountain View residents on an on-going basis and represent their needs and concerns to the City.
- Monthly newsletters; weekly updates of Facebook and website; monthly postings on NextDoor
- Representation to Neighborhood Leadership Alliance (NLA) and NART (Neighborhood District Round Table)
Increase neighbors’ participation overall in MVND and promote inclusion for all segments of our neighborhood.
- Increase membership by 10% per year for the next two years (from 400 to 480)
- Produce a Spanish language versions of the MVND membership brochure
- Recruit a diverse slate of candidates to run for board positions
Provide a forum where residents can express themselves and feel heard.
- Monthly board meetings
- Annual general membership meetings
Focus on livability, traffic, and safety for all MVND residents
- Track these issues and report back to MVND membership at monthly and annual meetings
- Maintain liaison with groups and organizations that advocate on these issues and suggest actions as needed to address specific concerns
Keep MVND residents informed on City plans and initiatives and represent neighborhood opinions and concerns back to the City on an on-going basis
- Monthly and annual reports out to neighbors
- Representation to the City through NLA, NART, and public testimony to City Council as needed
Neighborhood Leadership Alliance Committee (NLA)
This newly formed City committee is comprised of representatives from all 13 neighborhood associations in Bend. Meetings are held the first Thursday of each month at 4 PM in City Council Chambers and are open to members of the public. The mission of the NLA is to give a unified voice to citizen concerns and to advise City Council on issues affecting our neighborhoods.
Neighborhood District Round Table (NART)
Mission: The Neighborhood District Round Table (NART), consisting of the thirteen Neighborhood Districts (NAs) sanctioned by the City of Bend, NART shall act as a collaborative group to support the needs of all NAs, to create a space for sharing best practices and developing procedures for sustainability and improvement of the NAs.
This is accomplished by providing a proactive and outcome oriented communications between NART and the NAs Providing a forum to share information, education, discuss policy and methodology, for the education, advancement and functionality of the NAs.
Join Mountain View NA
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