Bend Police Chief’s Advisory Council Update – 4/25/2022
Bend Police Chief’s Advisory Council Update
Applications accepted until June 15.
The Police Chief’s Advisory Council advises the Chief of Police and the Police Department on various issues from the community’s perspective.
Bend Police Chief’s Advisory Council Update
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Bend community members have long benefited from having meaningful relationships with the Bend Police Department employees that serve them. One meaningful engagement and communication tool for building and holding relationships with the community over the last 18 years has been the Police Chief’s Advisory Council (PCAC). The PCAC has seen various models and iterations over its existence, and all have been valuable tools in building and keeping trust with the community and the police department.
The 2021-2023 Bend City Council goals include a Safety, Health, Accountability, and Justice goal. Among the strategies for this goal is revising the PCAC. The Bend Police Department is excited to open the application process for community members interested in volunteering as PCAC members. The council will consist of up to 20 community members. The Bend Police Department looks to include a group of community members with broad and diverse life experiences that reflect the Bend community.
The PCAC will serve three critical missions:
- To advise the Chief of Police and the Police Department on various issues from the community perspective.
- To act as a communication conduit between community networks and the Police Department; and
- To enhance trust between the community and the law enforcement agencies that serve them.
Meetings will generally be one evening per month and are expected to be about 90 minutes.
We look forward to community members considering volunteering their time and energy for the PCAC. Volunteerism is a critical fabric of our community to move worthy causes forward and provide assistance to their community’s growth and progress.
Accommodation Information for People with Disabilities
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