City of Bend News Release – Neff and Purcell Project Update 10/10/2022
November 10, 2022
City of Bend is hosting an informational Open House outlining the Neff and Purcell Improvements Project
You are invited to an in-person open house to learn information about the Neff and Purcell Improvements Project. This is a high-priority project providing both north-south connectivity and improving safety and capacity in a vital area of Bend. The open house includes an overview of the project, anticipated construction schedule and traffic impacts, and an opportunity to meet members of the project team.
DATE/TIME: Thursday, November 17, 2022, 5:00 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.
LOCATION: Deschutes Children’s Foundation, 2125 NE Daggett Lane
The project includes two areas of construction and incorporates infrastructure for all modes of travel. The Neff and Purcell intersection improvements addresses capacity, efficiency and safety issues at the intersection. The entire intersection will also be leveled to provide ADA compliant crossings. The Purcell Extension will construct the missing section of Purcell Boulevard between Holliday Avenue and Courtney Drive. This portion of the project will also include construction of sidewalks along both sides of Purcell Boulevard between Holliday Avenue and Full Moon Drive, where gaps currently exist. In coordination with the project improvements, the City’s Transportation and Mobility Department will be adding striping for on-street bike lanes on Purcell Boulevard from NE Butler Market Road to NE Robinson Street.
Can’t make it in person? Project information is available at
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Questions or Comments
Connect with our project team:
Project Phone Line: 458-202-7348
Project Email:
Project Website:
Project Manager: Drew Wells, PE