Street preservation plans for 2020
Posted on: Jun 2, 2020~
Last updated: May 22, 2021
The City is about to kick off a season of street preservation work all over town. Some paving will start this month, earlier than planned, due to changing circumstances around the state
The City Council authorized about $3.2 million for street preservation work in Bend this summer to improve about 77 lane miles of Bend’s roads. This includes inlay/overlay, chip seal, and slurry seal treatments.
The City’s “Keep Good Roads Good” philosophy means we maintain and preserve streets with the most cost-effective treatment for the road condition — the right treatment at the right time.
Maintenance treatments include:
- Inlays and Overlays – Old asphalt is ground out and replaced or a new layer of asphalt is paved on top of existing roadway. The process can take a couple of days.
- Slurry – A treatment for low-volume residential streets. One-day closures typically expected.
- Chip seals – Hot oil and rock are applied to the road. Rolling, short term closures expected
Posted in Transportation