City of Bend News Release – Unsanctioned Camping Code Update 8/24/2022
Second informational open house on camping code August 29
The City of Bend is developing municipal code provisions to regulate unsanctioned camping on City rights-of-way and City-owned property, like public streets, sidewalks and landscape strips in Bend. As part of developing the code, the City is hosting two informational sessions this month.
The first occurred August 16 and the second will be held at 5:30 p.m. on Monday, August 29, at Municipal Court (555 NE 15th Street) or online. The online opportunity will be available with live simultaneous Spanish interpretation. The event will be streamed on the City of Bend YouTube channel. Those who wish to ask questions during the open house should register with this Zoom link.
Information is also posted on the unsanctioned camping code webpage.
The purpose of the open house is to inform the community about how developing an unsanctioned camping code fits into the City and community response to homelessness. City staff will share information about the legal principles involved in regulating public property in light of recent federal court decisions and Oregon statutes and the process for developing the code, including when community members will have opportunities to provide input. The open house provides time for community members to ask questions about this process.
Accessible Meeting Information
These open houses are accessible. Sign language interpreter service, assistive listening devices, materials in alternate formats such as Braille, large print, electronic formats, or any other accommodations are available upon advance request. Please contact Shelly Smith at 541-388-5535 or for accommodations. Providing at least 3 days’ notice before the event will help ensure availability.
About the Unsanctioned Camping Code
Unsanctioned camping along City streets and sidewalks is the type of camping the City hears a lot of concerns about. The Bend Municipal Code currently does not ban camping on public property or rights-of-way. The City of Bend is developing a code to help regulate City-owned property and rights-of-way to make them safer for everyone, and intends to regulate unsanctioned camping in a manner consistent with federal court decisions and Oregon law. There will be opportunities for the community to provide input on the proposed code before Council votes on adopting a code this fall.
Learn more about the unsanctioned camping code at