Posted on: Nov 5, 2021~
Last updated: Nov 5, 2021
Hello Mountain View neighbors,
On November 9th, the Transportation Bond Oversight Committee will meet to finalize their recommendations to the City Council regarding which GO bond projects to prioritize. There is still time for us to tell the TBOC committee which projects we would like to see elevated. At our last meeting, the MVND board reviewed the projects, and, with the help of Councilor Barb Campbell, discerned how the projects are ranked and which ones will benefit Mountain View (see detailed chart of GO Bond MVND projects below and click here MVND GoBond Projects
to see a list of all transportation-related projects slated for Mountain View). Considering that our neighborhood receives a great influx of daily traffic due to the presence of St. Charles, other medical facilities, a key shopping center, and more than four schools, we believe our traffic improvement projects are essential to reduce neighborhood cut-through traffic, increase safety for all users, and improve the flow of traffic within our boundaries.
Here is what is included for MVND and the TBOC’s prioritization scores:
Neff Corridor Improvements – 11 (13 is the highest prioritization)
Neff and Purcell Intersection Improvements – 9.5
Butler Market Road Interchange Improvements – 5
Local Residential Street Safety – 7.5
Within this category, the NAs can advocate for neighborhood street safety projects, like the improved crossings on Providence coming in the next round of NSSP projects.
Here is what we believe is missing from the projects:
Improvements to Wells Acres and 27th Avenue intersection
We can advocate for this via the Local Residential Street Safety.
Now, the MVND will urge the TBOC prioritize the projects within our boundaries, and we will also advocate for the addition of a safe crossing for all users where Wells Acres meets 27th Avenue by Mountain View High School. This is a concern we have heard from many of our neighbors over the years, and we feel it falls within the goals of the GO bond projects.
How can you help? We ask you, our MVND neighbors, to review the list of MVND projects below and send your own comments to the TBOC before their November 9th meeting – . Is there a project you want to see made a higher priority? Furthermore, you can weigh in on the prioritization of other possible projects.
Click this link for full list of TBOC projects: TBOC Projects
Do you want to see east-west connections at Franklin and Greenwood prioritized over Reed Market? More bicycle routes prioritized? Tell the TBOC what you think will best benefit our Mountain View neighborhood, as well as transportation city-wide.
Together our voices are stronger!
The MVND Board
Posted in General