City of Bend News Release – Affordable Housing Pilot – 2/16/2023
Bend City Council approves master plan for affordable housing pilot
A unique housing opportunity is one step closer to becoming reality after the City Council voted to approve the master plan and annexation for new development, Parkside Place, at the city’s eastern boundary.
Bend City Council approves master plan for affordable housing pilot
A unique housing opportunity is one step closer to becoming reality after the City Council voted unanimously (6-0) Wednesday, Feb. 15, to approve the master plan and annexation for new development, Parkside Place, at the city’s eastern boundary.
“The Council is excited to see this project move forward and provide for hundreds of new homes in Bend,” Mayor Melanie Kebler said. “Working through the state pilot program was more challenging than originally anticipated and we are grateful to Hayden Homes for stepping up to create affordable housing without reliance on direct government funding.”
Parkside Place is the product of House Bill 4079, a state bill that passed in 2016 that designated 35 acres east of Bend to be brought into the urban growth boundary through a non-traditional process as a pilot project. The goal was to aid in the effort to build more affordable housing.
Plans for the property, which stretches from Bear Creek Road to Highway 20, include 346 units of housing, 40% of which are designated for affordable housing. Affordable means the housing is affordable for a household making 80% of Bend’s area median income, which is roughly $71,900 a year for a family of four.
The site plan includes a variety of housing types, including apartment units for rent and single detached homes for ownership. The site plan also includes 4 acres for a park, as well as trails and paths through the neighborhood.
The master plan and annexation will go into effect starting March 31.
The developer, Hayden Homes LLC, will soon submit a land division application consistent with the approved master plan and a Site Plan Review application for the multi-unit development portion of the project. These applications will be reviewed administratively by staff with an opportunity for the public to submit written comments.
More detailed information can be found here